Quotes about Choice
If I must choose which I would elevate— The people or the already lofty mountains, I'd elevate the already lofty mountains.
- Robert Frost
Forget what I said. None of that matters, you know why? Because it's still a choice. Everyone gets hurt. It's what you do with it that matters.' 'Can you change how you feel?' 'No. But you can change how you act.
- Kristen Heitzmann
She had challenged his whole life plan—to find God's will and do it— said he was fixated on finding the one thing God intended for him, when every moment was an opportunity. What if she was right? Could one choice be God's will, and another as well? It might not be about finding the one right answer as much as knowing the heart of God and choosing from the possibilities.
- Kristen Heitzmann
Religion is like a knife: you can either use it to cut bread, or stick in someone's back.
- Desmond Tutu
Eat and carouse with Bacchus, or munch dry bread with Jesus, but don't sit down without one of the gods.
- DH Lawrence
The Church imposes nothing; she only proposes, she proposes like a lover to the beloved.
- Pope John Paul II
One can be coerced to church, but not to worship.
- Georgia Harkness
Religion and liberty are inseparable. Religion is voluntary, and cannot and ought not to be forced.
- Philip Schaff
Does a person have a right to change his or her own religion? This is a fundamental human right, just like a right to freedom of speech.
- Miroslav Volf
Morality pertains only to the sphere of man's free will - only to those actions which are open to his choice.
- Ayn Rand
Which would you part with first -- your tobacco, your whiskey, or your religion?
- Brigham Young
It is certainly no part of religion to compel religion.
- Tertullian