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Quotes about Choice

Do not take the agenda that someone else has mapped out for your life.
- John Maxwell
Not that they may believe against their wills (which would be impossible), but that they may be made willing to believe who were before unwilling to believe.
- John Calvin
In discussing the subject of free will, the question is not, whether external obstacles will permit a man to execute what he has internally resolved, but whether, in any matter whatever, he has a free power of judging and of willing.
- John Calvin
Whenever God is pleased to make way for his providence, he even in external matters so turns and bends the wills of men, that whatever the freedom of their choice may be, it is still subject to the disposal of God.
- John Calvin
Greeks receives the name of ethelobreskeia -- the term which Paul here makes use of. He has,   however, an eye to the etymology of the term, for ethelobreskeia literally denotes a voluntary service, which men choose for themselves at their own option, without authority from God.
- John Calvin
And this is the origin of freewill, that Adam wished to be independent, and dared to try what he was able to do.
- John Calvin
Adam did not take away the will, but made it a slave where it was free. It is not only prone to sin, but is made subject to sin.
- John Calvin
Let us remember, therefore, that will in man is one thing, and the free choice of good and evil another: for freedom of choice having been taken away after the fall of the first man, will alone was left; but so completely captive under the tyranny of sin, that it is only inclined to evil.
- John Calvin
Hence the unskillful rashly infer, that man did not sin by free choice.
- John Calvin
Man stands under the devil's power, and indeed willingly
- John Calvin
in the freest manner, and on no mercenary grounds, does God bestow upon us his love and favor, just as, when we were not yet born, and when he was prompted by nothing but his own will, he fixed upon us his choice.
- John Calvin
O! I shall soon despair, when I shall see That Thou lovest mankind well, yet wilt not choose me, And Satan hates me, yet is loth to lose me.
- John Donne