Quotes about Context
And many other places to the like purpose. And therefore men can be justified by their words, no otherwise than as evidences or manifestations of what is in the heart. And it is thus that Christ speaks of the words in this very place, as is evident by the context, ver. 34, 35. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart," &c. The words
- Jonathan Edwards
Yes, I think that when the Bible refers to a horse or a horseman, that's exactly what it means.
- Tim LaHaye
The inerrancy of the Bible relates to the authors' original intent, not necessarily to our interpretation of a passage. Moreover, the inerrancy of an author's writing must be understood in accordance with the genre of literature the author was using and the culture the author was writing within. For example, we cannot say that an ancient author was incorrect in what he said just because he did not employ the same standard of precision we employ in our culture.
- Gregory Boyd
Whether we are reading the Bible for the first time or standing in a field in Israel next to a historian and an archaeologist and a scholar, the Bible meets us where we are. That is what truth does
- Rob Bell
It's dreadful what little things lead people to misunderstand each other.
- LM Montgomery
Evangelism cant be our focus! We must not stop sharing the good news, but here's the deal, here's the wonderful thing, it gets done along the way as you do discipleship. Great commission is just about going to disciple the nations and you know what happens... as you disciple them evangelism takes place, because it's done in the context of discipleship. Here's the issue: We have to reframe evangelism within the context of discipleship.
- Alan Hirsch
Left to their own devices, most organizations tend toward a sort of sociological conservatism that will increasingly forgo engagement with their context in favor of preserving what they see as their repository of inherited ideas. In other words, they turn away from missional engagement and toward an increasingly traditionalist, sentimental interpretation of reality. Instead of looking forward to a possible future of which they are called to be a part, they look back to an idealized past.
- Alan Hirsch
The limitation of the ethical phenomenon to its place and time does not imply its rejection but, on the contrary, its validation. One does not use canons to shoot sparrows.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nowhere in Scripture do we find doctrine studied for its own sake or in isolation from life.
- Wayne Grudem
Too often, however, we tend to read these accounts merely as biblical history without relating them to our lives and our situations. But
- Jerry Bridges
Fire in the fireplace is a wonderful thing. Fire on the carpet has the potential to burn down your house. Sex is like fire. In the right context, it is an awesome thing. But once it is outside the context it was designed for, sex can burn your life and relationships to the ground.
- Andy Stanley
Now, whenever you read any historical document, you always evaluate it in light of the historical context.
- Josh McDowell