Quotes about Schedule
All our anxieties relate to time.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
- Stephen Covey
Man can refuse to cooperate, but he cannot keep God from executing the critical events on His schedule.
- Beth Moore
Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him.
- Joyce Meyer
Back in the early days of WWE, I remember doing 20 interviews every Tuesday, one right after the other on different topics.
- Roddy Piper
Even though Moses was an exile in the desert, he was right on God's schedule, in the fullness of God's timing, in the middle of God's will for that moment.
- Henry Blackaby
Unexpected wonders happen, not on schedule, or when you expect or want them to happen, but if you keep hanging around, they do happen.
- Wendell Berry
If we were to press the pause button, repent, and move prayer to a place of priority in our families, schedules, and church lives, everything would be ignited and impacted by it.
- Stephen Kendrick
It takes deliberate and continuous effort to carve out time in our overfull schedules to listen to the voice of God.
- Sheila Walsh
Look at your ministry as a marathon not a sprint - build deep foundations of intimacy with God and never let your public schedule get fuller than your time alone with God.
- Vicky Beeching
Let each hour of the day have its allotted duty, and cultivate that power of concentration which grows with its exercise.
- William Osler
When will you be pleased to dine, Mr. Holmes?' Mrs. Hudson asked. 'Seven-thirty, the day after to-morrow' said he.
- Arthur Conan Doyle