Quotes about Crossroads
We are not living in a world where all roads are radii of a circle and where all, if followed long enough, will therefore draw gradually nearer and finally meet at the centre: rather in a world where every road, after a few miles, forks into two, and each of those into two again, and at each fork, you must make a decision.
- CS Lewis
Be willing to go out on a limb with Me. If that is where I am leading you, it is the safet place to be... Your desire to live close to Me is at odds with your attempts to minimize risk. You are approaching a crossroads in your journey. In order to follow Me wholeheartedly, you must relinquish your tendency to play it safe.
- Sarah Young
We are at a crossroads in the music business: with the rise of the internet, the world we live in has changed, and the past is not coming back. But I see the glass as half-full: the internet and social networking are new avenues for the next Bob Dylan to be born on.
- Jon Bon Jovi
Not often, but every once in a while, God brings us to a major turning point — a great crossroads in our life.
- Oswald Chambers
Be entirely tolerant or not at all; follow the good path or the evil one. To stand at the crossroads requires more strength than you possess.
- Heinrich Heine
You may be at a crossroads in your life. You may have issues to deal with; people you need to forgive. You can go one of the two ways. You can ignore what you now know to be true and keep burying that bitterness in your life, pushing it deeper and allowing it to poison and contaminate you and those around you. Or you can make a much better choice by getting it out in the open and asking God to help you to totally forgive and let it all go.
- Joel Osteen
Multitudes in the valley of decision.
- Anonymous
The king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way.
- Anonymous
One road leads home and a thousand roads lead into the wilderness.
- CS Lewis
I've seen people go through divorces and stuff, crossroads that don't end well. Often.
- Jennifer Aniston