Quotes about Choices
I used to think life could be shared with anyone, but now I know choosing the right people is pretty important.
- Bob Goff
Your life is the sum total of all your choices up to this present minute.
- Brian Tracy
To Stay Focused in Life: You can't know everyone You can't do everything You can't go everywhere We have to pick and choose between good and a little bit better.
- John Maxwell
With every experience, you alone are painting your own canvas, thought by thought, choice by choice.
- Oprah Winfrey
I am sorry my life is so marred and maimed by extravagance. But I cannot live otherwise. I, at any rate, pay the penalty of suffering.
- Oscar Wilde
Ethics is a code of values which guide our choices and actions and determine the purpose and course of our lives.
- Ayn Rand
I now see that I spent most of my life in doing neither what I ought nor what I liked.
- CS Lewis
An exceptional life isn't the result of lucky breaks but excellent choices.
- Robin Sharma
The answer for Christians in the age of outrage is not some silver-bullet study that will give a new piece of knowledge. Rather, it begins with looking at our habits, the things that we love every day through our choices and actions.
- Ed Stetzer
The future lies before you like a field of driven snow. Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
- Anonymous
All of my friends from school grew up and settled downAnd they mortgaged off their livesOne thing's not said too much, but I think it's trueThey just get married 'cause there's nothing else to do
- Anonymous
Do I like my coffee black? There are other colors?
- Anonymous