Quotes about Choices
In charting one's course in life, it is important never to forget that many things that cannot be called wrong or evil are nevertheless not good for us.
- Dallas Willard
Things good and bad will happen to us, of course. But what our life amounts to, at least for those who reach full age, is largely, if not entirely, a matter of what we become within.
- Dallas Willard
The spirit is able to consider alternatives, and God prompts us to have an interest in what is better and best.
- Dallas Willard
Now just think of what the quality of life and character must be in a person who would routinely interrupt sacred rituals to pursue reconciliation with a fellow human being. What kind of thought life, what feeling tones and moods, what habits of body and mind, what kinds of deliberations and choices would you find in such a person? When you answer these questions, you will have a vision of the true "rightness beyond" that is at home in God's kingdom of power and love.
- Dallas Willard
This life…is what you make it. No matter what you are going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is, you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends — they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything — They're your true best friends. Don't let go of them.
- Marilyn Monroe
Our actions determine our dispositions.
- Aristotle
I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never used alcohol or tobacco... I've buried a lot of friends who used tobacco or alcohol.
- Jerry Falwell
Some of our important choices have a time line. If we delay a decision, the opportunity is gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keep us from making a choice that involves change. Thus an opportunity may be missed.
- James Faust
Feel fee to be a usin' anythin' in the house, an' if there be anythin' thet ya be needin', make a list. I go to town most saturdays fer supplies, an' I can be a pickin' it up then. When ya feel more yerself like, ya might want to come along an' do yer own choosin'.
- Janette Oke
Most automakers develop multiple options for a single project. Then they present those options to a committee of executives who decide which one to go with. That takes a lot of time.
- Henrik Fisker
I like some things other people don't like, and they like stuff I don't like.
- Butch Trucks
Do not let us mistake necessary evils for good.
- CS Lewis