Quotes about Damnation
The Bible says more about hell than about heaven.
- Billy Graham
Better the discomfort that leads to repentance and restoration than temporal comfort and eternal damnation.
- Francine Rivers
Therefore the elect shall go forth... to see the torments of the impious, seeing which they will not be grieved, but will be satiated with joy at the sight of the unutterable calamity of the impious.
- Peter Lombard
The fire of hell is called eternal, only because it never ends. Still, there is change in the pains of the lost... Hence in hell true eternity does not exist, but rather time.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
At certain revolutions all the damn'd are brought: and feel by turns the bitter change of fierce extremes, extremes by change more fierce.
- John Milton
Hell has no benefits, only torture.
- John Milton
Sin's outcome is eternal misery. What infinite ugliness then must be the ugliness of sin. This is the constant subject of preaching, for this is what we must ever overcome. It is more serious than Satan and sickness and insanity. None of those can damn a soul. Only sin can damn. This we must defeat in preaching, or all is in vain. Flippancy in and around our preaching communicates to people that sin is not as serious as the Bible says it is.
- John Piper
To silence the Voice of God is damnation in time!
- Oswald Chambers
By the grace of God we will never pluck unripe fruit. We will never press people to decision, because we'll lead them to damnation and not salvation.
- Jonathan Edwards
The wrath of God burns against them; their damnation don't slumber; the pit is prepared; the fire is made ready; the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow. The glittering sword is whet, and held over them, and the pit hath opened her mouth under them. 5.
- Jonathan Edwards
And when we love our sin then we are damned indeed.
- Graham Greene
Lust is not the worst thing. It is because any day, any time, lust may turn into love that we have to avoid it. And when we love our sin then we are damned indeed.
- Graham Greene