Quotes about Sunshine
And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees - just as things grow in fast movies - I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer
- F Scott Fitzgerald
To whom it may concern: It is springtime. It is late afternoon.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Life is a blend of laughter and tears, a combination of rain and sunshine.
- Norman Vincent Peale
I wish I was a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum. 'Cos how can you be grumpy When the sun shines out your bum!
- Anonymous
Whoever makes a garden Has oh so many friends: The glory of the morning, The dew when daylight ends, And rain and wind and sunshine And dew and fertile sod, For he who makes a garden Works hand in hand with God.
- Anonymous
You have to go to Scotland at all times of the year - in order to appreciate the times when the sun does come out.
- Bill Bailey
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
- Joseph Addison
I would say about individuals, A Individual dies when they cease to to be surprised. I am surprised every morning when I see the sunshine again. When I see an act of evil I don't accomodate, I don't accomodate myself to the violence that goes on everywhere. I am still so surprised! That is why I am against it. We must learn to be surprised.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
When the sun shines in Britain there's no finer place on Earth.
- Bill Bailey
He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade.
- Samuel Johnson
A cloudy day or a little sunshine have as great an influence on many constitutions as the most recent blessings or misfortunes.
- Joseph Addison
I'm all for scattering sunshine as we pass. As Stevenson says, we shall pass this way but once--and I devoutly hope he's right.
- Dorothy Sayers