Quotes about Bond
I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.
- JRR Tolkien
Godly fear, faith, and humility is the true threefold cord that can't easily be broken (see Ecclesiastes 4:12).
- John Bevere
If you want to win over another person, first win his heart, and the rest of him is likely to follow.
- John Maxwell
The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.
- GK Chesterton
We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Of course if you like your kids, if you love them from the moment they begin, you yourself begin all over again, in them, with them, and so there is something more to the world again.
- William Saroyan
There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson
- Victor Hugo
Friendship is not always the sequel of obligation
- Samuel Johnson
It is by chance we met by choice we became friends.
- Anonymous
There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.
- Henry Ward Beecher
The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne.
- Samuel Johnson
True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.
- Henry David Thoreau