Quotes about Bond
I was not alone in the human condition.
- Lisa Wingate
Sisters are created not by blood but by love.
- Lisa Wingate
One of the best things a father can do for his daughter is let her know that she has met his expectations. My father did that for me, and no amount of effort on my part can fully repay the debt. I'd do anything for him, and for my mother. Now
- Lisa Wingate
May the two of you walk the shore side by side sharing sister stories for many years to come.
- Lisa Wingate
Families aren't dictated by geography, or biology, or the chemistry of chromosomes and DNA. There is, in fact, no perfect science to it at all.
- Lisa Wingate
We've been stitched together at the heart since she was born. I can't breathe in a world where she isn't near.
- Lisa Wingate
Even the ramparts of reputation, and ambition, and social position couldn't erase the love of sisters, their bond with one another.
- Lisa Wingate
The love of sisters needs no words. It does not depend on memories, or mementos, or proof. It runs as deep as a heartbeat. It is as ever present as a pulse.
- Lisa Wingate
There's something magical about that time when your babies are small, when you're the center of their world, the person they love the most.
- Lisa Wingate
the best things a father can do for his daughter is let
- Lisa Wingate
One of the best things a father can do for his daughter is let her know that she has met
- Lisa Wingate
No matter how much you want to cut your family out of your heart, you can't. The bond is born when you are born, like an organ in your body. There is no surgery to remove it. When it is diseased, you live with a dull ache telling you that something inside you is not right.
- Lisa Wingate