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Quotes about Aquinas

Now the highest good existing in things is the good of the order of the universe, as the Philosopher clearly teaches in Metaph. xii.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
The existence of a prime mover- nothing can move itself; there must be a first mover. The first mover is called God.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Saint Thomas Aquinas remarks that "love is born of an earnest consideration of the object loved." And: "Love follows knowledge." Love is an emotional response aroused in the will by visions of the good. Contrary to what is often said, love is never blind, though it may not see rightly. It cannot exist without some vision of the beloved.
- Dallas Willard
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Summa theologiae
- Robert Barron
Thus, for Aquinas, the New Law goes beyond the Sermon on the Mount and the other teachings of Jesus. It is nothing less than divine grace—divine life and power. Grace is the New Law that enables us to keep the commandments in a way that we as children of Adam couldn't on our own.
- Scott Hahn
There are indeed solid ontological foundations for an understanding of signals of transformation. Both Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin take the notion of God to be a direct perception of God's existence, one unmediated by reason, by revelation, by society, or by psychological need.
- James Sire
Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin concur on the claim that there is a kind of natural knowledge of God (and anything on which Calvin and Aquinas are in accord is something to which we had better pay careful attention).
- Alvin Plantinga
The believer," says Aquinas, "has sufficient motive for believing, for he is moved by the authority of divine teaching confirmed by miracles and, what is more, by the inward instigation of the divine invitation."
- Alvin Plantinga
I can't tell you how Aquinas has enriched and changed my life, my thought. He has helped me to be a better evangelical, a better servant of Christ, and to better defend the faith that was delivered, once for all, to the saints.
- Norman Geisler