Quotes about Trials
We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God.
- DL Moody
If we are faithful to God in little things, we shall gain experience and strength that will be helpful to us in the more serious trials of life.
- Hudson Taylor
Our trials are supposed to turn us toward God, but we whine and complain and wish someone would turn down the fire so we could have our old life back the way it was.
- Lynn Austin
The Bible teaches that true joy is formed in the midst of the difficult seasons of life.
- Francis Chan
Every single thing you've been through in your life has had a purpose.
- Beth Moore
Charlie says that "God gives us a choice when we face difficult circumstances." We can choose misery or "we can choose to face our trials with God's help, knowing that we'll come out the other side as stronger people for the experience."
- Jim Daly
Sacrifice is truly the crowning test of the gospel. Men are tried and tested in this mortal probation to see if they will put first in their lives the kingdom of God.
- Ezra Taft Benson
But I think my mistakes became the chemistry for my miracles. I think that my tests became my testimonies.
- Bishop TD Jakes
You will never know God's strength until He has supported you in deep waters.
- Charles Spurgeon
God never promised that we wouldn't have challenges. In fact, He said just the opposite. His word says, 'Be truly glad!...these trials are only to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pureā¦' so if your faith remains strong after being tried in the test tube of fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of His return.
- Joel Osteen
The people who are trying to make you look bad, and He can use them to promote you.
- Joel Osteen
The thought of the future life with its prerogatives and joys helps to make the trials of the present seem light and transient.
- Billy Graham