Quotes about Trials
Jesus is Lord of the ages and is always with his own, even when things are difficult, and will abide with us; that is our comfort. If tribulation and anxiety come upon us, Jesus is with us and leads us over into God's eternal kingdom.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Hang on to this with your life: "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
- Albert Mohler
I had my nearest and most intimate glimpses of the presence of my Lord in those dread moments when musket, club or spear was being levelled at my life.
- John Paton
We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others, but we all go through trials and tribulation. That's why we have the gift of faith.
- Joyce Meyer
You do not find one godly man who came out of an affliction worse than when he went into it; though for a while he was shaken, yet at last he was better for an affliction. But a great many godly men, you find, have been worse for their prosperity.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
Joy comes from having a relationship with the unchanging God and transcends any trial we can face on this earth.
- Jeremy Camp
We are brought into God's kingdom by grace; we are sanctified by grace; we receive both temporal and spiritual blessings by grace; we are motivated to obedience by grace; we are called to serve and enabled to serve by grace; we receive strength to endure trials by grace; and finally, we are glorified by grace. The entire Christian life is lived under the reign of God's grace.
- Jerry Bridges
God never allows pain without a purpose in the lives of His children. He never allows Satan, nor circumstances, nor any ill-intending person to afflict us unless He uses that affliction for our good. God never wastes pain. He always causes it to work together for our ultimate good, the good of conforming us more to the likeness of His Son (see Romans 8:28-29).
- Jerry Bridges
People have to go through trials and tribulations to get where they at. Do your thing - continue to rock it - because obviously, God wants you here.
- Kendrick Lamar
We live in a broken world; Jesus was honest enough to tell us we'd have trials and tribulations. Sure, I'd like to understand more about why. But Kreeft's conclusion was right--the ultimate answer is Jesus' presence. That sounds sappy, I know. But just wait--when your world is rocked, you don't want philosophy or theology as much as you want the reality of Christ. He was the answer for me. He was the very answer we needed.
- Lee Strobel
Every trial and experience you have passed through is necessary for your salvation.
- Brigham Young
And I learned that are troubles Of more than one kind Some come from ahead And some come from behind.
- Dr. Seuss