Quotes about Intelligence
I never cut class. I loved getting A's, I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world.
- Michelle Obama
The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap!
- Ashton Kutcher
I tell myself that God gave my children many gifts - spirit, beauty, intelligence, the capacity to make friends and to inspire respect. There was only one gift he held back - length of life.
- Rose Kennedy
There is in every situation the possibility for the human intelligence to receive some kind of formation by the infinite intelligent act of God.
- Rowan Williams
You see, most whites, even when they credit a Negro with some intelligence, will still feel that all he can talk about is the race issue; most whites never feel that Negroes can contribute anything to other areas of thought, and ideas. You just notice how rarely you will ever hear whites asking any Negroes what they think about the problem of world health, or the space race to land men on the moon.
- Malcolm X
Some people will say that memory fades away as the years pass. Of course it does if you don't exercise it or aren't very bright to begin with. -- How to grow old: ancient wisdom for the second half of life.
- Cicero
...Intelligence and character of the masses are incomparably lower than the intelligence and character of the few who produce something valuable for the community.
- Albert Einstein
Intelligence is so damn rare and the people who have it often have such a bad time with it that they get bitter or propagandistic and then it's not much use.
- Ernest Hemingway
When humans experience something as powerful as a forest or a rainbow, it is not crazy to assign its existence to a Greater Intelligence.
- Anne Lamott
I don't think the intelligence reports are all that hot. Some days I get more out of the New York Times.
- John F. Kennedy
Like all Holmes's reasoning the thing seemed simplicity itself when it was once explained.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Dissimulation is innate in woman, and almost as much a quality of the stupid as of the clever.
- Arthur Schopenhauer