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Quotes about Intelligence

I learned thirty years ago that it is foolish to scold. I have enough trouble overcoming my own limitations without fretting over the fact that God has not seen fit to distribute evenly the gift of intelligence.
- Dale Carnegie
Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.
- Charles Spurgeon
In schools they have what they call intelligence tests. Well if nations held 'em I don't believe we would be what you would call a favorite to win it.
- Will Rogers
Think about it, Lee - we already know that intelligent minds produce finely tuned devices. Look at the space shuttle. Look at a television set. Look at an internal combustion engine. We see minds producing complex, precision machinery all the time. So the existence of a supermind - or God - as the explanation for the fine - tuning of the universe makes all sense in the world.
- Lee Strobel
A great deal of our onslaught on Mother Nature is not really lack of intelligence but a lack of compassion for future generations and the health of the planet.
- Jane Goodall
Chimpanzees and the other great apes can learn four hundred or more words of American Sign
- Jane Goodall
Genius is the capacity of avoiding hard work.
- Elbert Hubbard
Rusbridger's intelligence, personal sense of higher calling and almost other-worldly self-absorption have played no small part in the stories that have most defined the Guardian and that, under another sort of steward, might have had a much more sceptical reception.
- Michael Wolff
In examinations the foolish ask questions that the wise cannot answer.
- Oscar Wilde
Everyone is brilliant at breakfast.
- Oscar Wilde
Carnegie wanted to praise his assistants even on his tombstone. He wrote an epitaph for himself which read: "Here lies one who knew how to get around him men who were cleverer than himself.
- Dale Carnegie
The open secret of many "Bible-believing" churches is that only a very small percentage of their members study the Bible with even the degree of interest, intelligence or joy that they bring to bear upon their favorite newspaper or magazine.
- Dallas Willard