Quotes about Universe
Relativity applies to physics, not ethics.
- Albert Einstein
The universe is the sum total of all these moving things, however many there are. The whole universe is in the process of change. But we have already seen that change in any being requires an outside force to actualize it. Therefore, there is some force outside (in addition to) the universe, some real being transcendent to the universe. This is one of the things meant by God.
- Peter Kreeft
The Antichrist will acknowledge no religion at all other than the worship of himself and Satan. In his attempt to wipe the thought of God from the world's collective mind, he will try to change the moral and natural laws of the universe (Daniel 7:25).
- David Jeremiah
You and I and all who love Christ will be qualified to join the eternal chorus, and together our voices will sound across the universe, in one unified statement: "We love Jesus; He is worthy to be praised!"
- David Jeremiah
The book of Job highlights the theme that God has marvelously designed the universe, the earth, and all its life in such a way as to harmonize ethics and economics. When we humans face a crisis or dilemma that appears to force a choice between ethics and economics, we can be sure God has provided a solution that compromises neither.
- Hugh Ross
Proof of the beginning of time probably ranks as the most theologically significant theorem. This great significance arises from the theorem establishing that the universe must be caused by some Entity capable of creating the universe entirely independent of space and time. Such an entity matches the attributes of the God of the Bible but is contradicted by the gods of the eastern (and indeed all other) religions who create within space and time.
- Hugh Ross
Surely in the case of Aristotle the immutability of the divine being was due to its emptiness and internal immobility. No greater contrast is thinkable between the unmoved noesis noeeseoos of Aristotle and the Christian God. This appears particularly from the fact that the Bible does not hesitate to attribute all manner of activity to God...Herein lies the glory of the Christian doctrine of God, that the unchangeable one is in control of the change of the universe.
- Cornelius Van Til
This is God's universe; we just live in it. He doesn't owe us anything. We owe him everything. What did you make? Nothing. He made everything. For everything you have, you owe him.
- Craig Groeschel
Evolution has ensured that our brains just aren't equipped to visualise 11 dimensions directly. However, from a purely mathematical point of view it's just as easy to think in 11 dimensions, as it is to think in three or four.
- Stephen Hawking
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
- Joseph Campbell
When you consider things like the stars, our affairs don't seem to matter very much, do they?
- Virginia Woolf
You have to make time, even for something as universal as staring at the stars.
- WP Kinsella