Quotes about Universe
If we come to see the purpose of the universe as God's long-term glory rather than our short-term happiness, then we will undergo a critical paradigm shift in tackling the problem of evil and suffering. The world has gone terribly wrong. God is going to fix it. First, for his eternal glory. Second, for our eternal good.
- Randy Alcorn
And do you think your refusal to believe will convince God to change his nature? He is who he is no matter what you think of him. Despite what Americans believe, the universe is not a democracy. Truth is not determined by the majority. As for hell, if you were as just and holy as God is, you would understand that all men deserve hell. It is no puzzle that men should go to hell. What is a puzzle is that men should go to heaven.
- Randy Alcorn
The gospel is far greater than most of us imagine. It isn't just good news for us—it's good news for animals, plants, stars, and planets. It's good news for the sky above and the earth below.
- Randy Alcorn
R. A. Torrey writes, "We will not be disembodied spirits in the world to come, but redeemed spirits, in redeemed bodies, in a redeemed universe.
- Randy Alcorn
Our desires correspond precisely to God's plans. It's not that we want something, so we engage in wishful thinking that what we want exists. It's the opposite—the reason we want it is precisely because God has planned for it to exist. As we'll see, resurrected people living in a resurrected universe isn't our idea—it's God's.
- Randy Alcorn
As Paul Little has pointed out, "If God were to stamp out evil today, he would do a complete job. His action would have to include our lies and personal impurities, our lack of love, and our failure to do good. Suppose God were to decree that at midnight tonight all evil would be removed from the universe—who of us would still be here after midnight?" 23
- Ravi Zacharias
What God wanted him [Job] to realize was that this same God who brought such pattern and beauty into a world He had fashioned out of nothing could also bring a pattern and beauty out of Job's brokenness. The universe is both complex and intelligible, and Job was reminded of that. There is intelligence behind the design,as there is also intelligence in helping us cope with suffering.
- Ravi Zacharias
The universe is not a machine; it is an organic whole.
- Ravi Zacharias
Chet Raymo is professor of physics and astronomy at Stonehill College in Massachusetts. He is a convinced naturalist with a strong mystical bent. Few writers in our time are able to open up vistas of grandeur in the world of objects and entities as he does. In his book Skeptics and True Believers:The Exhilarating Connection between Science and Religion, he illustrates in his brilliant and inimitable style the marvels that are all around us in this universe.
- Ravi Zacharias
Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion. Genesis 1:1-2 perfectly revealed such truths to the Hebrews in 1450 BC: "In the beginning (time) God created (power) the heaven (space) and the earth (matter)… and the spirit of God moved (motion) upon the face of the waters." The first things God tells man is that he controls all aspects of the universe.
- Ray Comfort
Just for once I'd like to see all these things sort of straightened out, with each person in the universe getting exactly what he deserves. It might give me some confidence in this universe.
- Joseph Heller
The more we descend into the interworkings of the cell or ascend to the depths of the universe, the more we can see the fingerprint of God.
- Josh McDowell