Quotes about Universe
When I meditate, I can feel an energy that is much bigger than me but is also part of me, and it's a very powerful energy.
- Jen Sincero
Time in our universe is always one way: no going back, no reverse. In music, you can reverse it!
- Ryuichi Sakamoto
I first had the idea of writing a popular book about the universe in 1982. My intention was partly to earn money to pay my daughter's school fees.
- Stephen Hawking
I think the discovery of supersymmetric partners for the known particles would revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
- Stephen Hawking
Trust God to run the universe without you.
- Peter Scazzero
What are ye orbs? The words of God? the Scriptures of the skies?
- Philip James Bailey
Grace is the most perplexing, powerful force in the universe, and, I believe, the only hope for our twisted, violent planet.
- Philip Yancey
All the gods, all the heavens, all the worlds, are within us.
- Joseph Campbell
The widest thing in the universe is not space, it is the potential capacity of the human heart.
- AW Tozer
We can never sneer at the stars, mock the dawn, or scoff at the totality of being.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
De mens is geroepen in zijn doen zijn eigen wezen af te spiegelen. Hij zelf is een wereld in het klein, maar het ganse heelal vindt hij in zijn boezem terug. Niet het grote, het onbegrensde, het onbereikbare is daarom zijn taak, maar het lokale, het afgeperkte, het kleine, doch dat binnen zijn bepaalde afmetingen toch altijd het grote weerkaatst.
- Abraham Kuyper
And that's one of the joys of the MCU universe... it has so many different paths and lanes and stories, and they don't shy away from neither the controversial nor the emotional.
- Kari Skogland