Quotes about Universe
This is the fallacy of power: ultimately, it is effective only in an absolute, a limited universe. But the basic lesson of our relativistic universe is that things change. Any power must always meet a greater power.
- Frank Herbert
You took the universe as you found it and applied your principles where you could.
- Frank Herbert
Muad'dib's Jihad was less than an eye-blink in this larger movement. The Bene Gesserit swimming in this tide, that corporate entity trading in genes, was trapped in the torrent as he was. Visions of a falling moon must be measured against other legends, other visions in a universe where even the seemingly eternal stars waned, flickered, died . . . What mattered a single moon in such a universe? Far
- Frank Herbert
The Universe is God's. It is one thing, a wholeness against which all separations may be identified. Transient life, even that self-aware and reasoning life which we call sentient, holds only fragile trusteeship on any portion of the wholeness.
- Frank Herbert
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic. —FROM "THE SAYINGS OF MUAD'DIB" BY THE PRINCESS IRULAN
- Frank Herbert
Technology, in common with many other activities, tends toward avoidance of risks by investors. Uncertainty is ruled out if possible. Capital investment follows this rule, since people generally prefer the predictable. Few recognize how destructive this can be, how it imposes severe limits on variability and thus makes whole populations fatally vulnerable to the shocking ways our universe can throw the dice.
- Frank Herbert
Religion is but the most ancient and honorable way in which men have striven to make sense out of God's universe.
- Frank Herbert
The one-eyed view of our universe says you must not look far afield for problems. Such problems may never arrive. Instead, tend to the wolf within your fences. The packs ranging outside may not even exist.
- Frank Herbert
I give you the desert chameleon, whose ability to blend itself into the background tells you all you need to know about the roots of ecology and the foundations of a personal identity. The Universe is God's. It is one thing, a wholeness against which all separations may be identified.
- Frank Herbert
The whole universe sat there, open to the man who could make the right decisions. The uncertain rabbits had to be exposed, made to run for their burrows. Else how could you control them and breed them?
- Frank Herbert
Aceasta e aberaÈ›ia puterii: în ultim? instan?? este eficace numai într-un Univers absolut, limitat. Dar lecÈ›ia de c?p?tâi a Universului nostru relativist este c? lucrurile se schimb?. Orice putere trebuie s? înfrunte întotdeauna o putere mai mare.
- Frank Herbert
Technology, in common with many other activities, tends toward avoidance of risks by investors. Uncertainty is ruled out if possible. Capital investment follows this rule, since people generally prefer the predictable. Few recognize how destructive this can be, how it imposes severe limits on variability and thus makes whole populations fatally vulnerable to the shocking ways our universe can throw the dice. —ASSESSMENT OF IX, BENE GESSERIT ARCHIVES
- Frank Herbert