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Quotes about Universe

Faced with the mind-surpassing grandeur of the universe, we cannot but admit that there is meaning which is greater than man.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
The ultimate concept in Greek philosophy is the idea of cosmos, of order; the first teaching in the Bible is the idea of creation. Translated into eternal principles, cosmos means fate, while creation means freedom. The essential meaning of creation is not the idea that the universe was created at a particular moment in time. The essential meaning of creation is, as Maimonides explained, the idea that the universe did not come about by necessity but as a result of freedom.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
We can't build anything that will impress God because He has already created the entire universe. There is one thing, however, that does attract His favor: "On this one will I look [esteem or respect]." Whom will God respect and take into account? "Him who is poor and of a contrite spirit and who trembles at My word.
- Derek Prince
Does the universe exist only for me? It's possible. If so, it's sure going well for me, I must admit.
- Bill Gates
Sin, in the final analysis, is rebellion against the sovereign Creator, Ruler, and Judge of the universe. It resists the rightful prerogative of a sovereign Ruler to command obedience from His subjects. It says to an absolutely holy and righteous God that His moral laws, which are a reflection of His own nature, are not worthy of our wholehearted obedience.
- Jerry Bridges
Seventeenth-century deism constructed a God who created a universe and then walked away to leave it running according to its natural laws and man's devices. Many people today are practical deists.
- Jerry Bridges
For us to trust God in times of adversity, we must believe in God's sovereignty, His love, and His wisdom. Of these three truths, the sovereignty of God seems to be questioned the most frequently and most stridently. It seems we will allow God to be anywhere except upon His throne ruling His universe according to His good pleasure and His sovereign will.
- Jerry Bridges
It seems we will allow God to be anywhere except upon His throne ruling His universe according to His good pleasure and His sovereign will.
- Jerry Bridges
Of course it does, Jomes answered earnestly. Many of life's treasures remain hidden from us simply because we never search for them. Often we do not ask the proper questions that might lead us to the answer to all our challenges. We are so caught up in fear and regret, that hope seems a foolish endeavor. Proof of hope, however, is not only possible, it is an overlooked law of the universe.
- Andy Andrews
In a universe that's an intelligent system with a divine creative force supporting it, there simply can be no accidents. As tough as it is to acknowledge, you had to go through what you went through in order to get to where you are today, and the evidence is that you did.
- Wayne Dyer
The universe can take quite a while to deliver.
- Desmond Tutu
Long before the awakening of thought on earth, manifestations of cosmic energy must have been produced which have no parallel today.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin