Quotes about Universe
If we can accept a single singularity of the Big Bang, on what basis can we reasonably claim no other such singularities are possible?
- Eric Metaxas
Part of what makes the concept of miracles and God's intervention such a hot topic for so many people is that everyone wonders how a God who is presumably running the entire universe will not heal someone of cancer but will find someone else a parking space.
- Eric Metaxas
There was only one reality, and Christ was Lord over all of it, or none.
- Eric Metaxas
I think the dual existence thing is a regular pastime for all human beings, and for that matter anything in this universe.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Even Hubble hasn't found yet the end of this universe, and we don't know that it has any end.
- Billy Graham
In the biblical worldview, the purpose of all creation is to benefit man. This anthropocentric view of nature, and indeed of the whole universe, is completely at odds with the current secular idealization of nature. This secular view posits that nature has its own intrinsic meaning and purpose, independent of man.
- Dennis Prager
What surprises me most about God is that the creator of the universe should want a relationship with me.
- Rick Warren
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . Then he said, "Let there be light." Which means he made the entire universe in the dark! How fucking good is that? He's brilliant.
- Ricky Gervais
Salvation is the entire universe being brought back into harmony with its maker.
- Rob Bell
The Soul's Upward Yearning by Fr. Robert Spitzer, the intergalactically smart Jesuit who once served as president of Gonzaga University and who now directs the Magis Center on matters of faith, reason, and science,
- Robert Barron
According to science, the universe began as a swirl of gas that, as it cooled, spun off the Ten Commandments.
- Robert Brault
We came to the comforting conclusion that the Creator probably knew how to run His universe quite as well as we do, and that, after all, there are no such things as 'wasted' lives, saving and except when am individual wilfully squanders and wastes his own life...
- LM Montgomery