Quotes about System
There is then no question of the possibility of interventions in the course of nature, in whatever degree or form. The physical universe is not a closed system. Miracles are possible simply because of that fact.
- Dallas Willard
As long as I live under the capitalistic system I expect to have my life influenced by the demands of moneyed people. But I will be damned if I propose to be at the beck and call of every itinerant scoundrel who has two cents to invest in a postage stamp. This, sir, is my resignation.
- William Faulkner
My life on the tour was very structured.
- Tim Henman
A philosophy a system of principles that will guide your thoughts and actions.
- Napoleon Hill
Greatest public school system in the world. We have invested fabulous sums for fine buildings, we have provided convenient transportation for children living in the rural districts, so they may attend the best schools, but there is one astounding weakness to this marvelous system — it is free! One of the strange things about human beings is that they value only that which has a price.
- Napoleon Hill
Creationists hold to an Ice Age that was triggered by the Flood. The Flood occurred about 2348 b.c., which is about 4,300 years ago.1 The secularists' most recent ice age was supposedly about 10,000 years ago (by their dating system).
- Ken Ham
The jury consist of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.
- Robert Frost
I believe war is the inevitable fruit of our economic system.
- Helen Keller
To make a lasting impact on the world's system, one must be distinct from it, not identical to it.
- Charles Swindoll
Jesus didn't come to give us a kinder, gentler patriarchy or a new-and-improved version of any other social system known to humankind. In his own words, he came to bring a "kingdom that is not of this world" (John 18:36, emphasis added)—the kingdom we lost in the fall, a kingdom that is utterly foreign to us.
- Carolyn Custis James
Your stay in the camp was merely an allegory, if you know that word. It was an allegory--speaking at the highest level--of how scandalously, how outrageously a meaning can take up residence in a system without becoming a term in it.
- JM Coetzee
I think at all social networks, be it Facebook or Twitter or whatever it is, there's an ecosystem that exist there. But there's also an ego system that exists there.
- Ashton Kutcher