Quotes about System
The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation
- Jimmy Carter
According to the law of requisite variety, the survival of any system depends on its capacity to cultivate variety in its internal structures. Disequilibrium is life ... When I'm in a spiritual slump, nine times out of ten, something sacred has become routine ... one of the ways I snap out of a spiritual slump is by disturbing by routine and experimenting with spiritual disciplines.
- Mark Batterson
Prayer creates divine opportunities. But prayer also sanctifies the reticular activating system and enables you to see the God-ordained opportunities that are all around you all the time.
- Mark Batterson
Only the public can make a star. It's the studios who try to make a system out of it.
- Marilyn Monroe
It has forgotten that the gospels are replete with atonement theology, through and through—only they give it to us not as a neat little system, but as a powerful, sprawling, many-sided, richly revelatory narrative in which we are invited to find ourselves, or rather to lose ourselves and to be found again the other side.
- NT Wright
This is the first of the speakers in our sound system that we must turn up to its proper volume.
- NT Wright
Because all things were created by a single divine mind, all truth forms a single, coherent, mutually consistent system. Truth is unified and universal.
- Nancy Pearcey
An immoral and unjust legal system would breed contempt for its laws and regulations.
- Nelson Mandela
To follow Jesus today is to follow a madman according to the ideals of present day civilization. We have the idea that our civilization is God-ordained, whereas it has been built up by ourselves. We have made a thousand and one necessities until our system of civilized life is as cast iron, and then we apologize to the Lord for not following Him.
- Oswald Chambers
Seeking to eliminate pain nonetheless puts it at the heart of the system. As a result, today we suffer from not wanting to suffer just as one can make oneself ill by trying to be perfectly healthy. Furthermore, we now tell ourselves a strange fable about a society completely devoted to hedonism, and for which everything becomes an irritation, a torture. Unhappiness is not only unhappiness; it is, worse yet, a failure to be happy.
- Pascal Bruckner
We must not offer people a system of redemption, a set of insights and principles. We offer people a Redeemer.
- Paul David Tripp
If a system could give us what we need, Jesus would never have come.
- Paul David Tripp