Quotes about Symbolism
Mythology is the womb of mankind's initiation to life and death.
- Joseph Campbell
I so connected to symbolically being able to turn lead into gold. My grandmother used to say, "Life give you a lemon, you go ahead and make lemonade." To me, that's alchemy.
- Will Smith
What happens in the life of Christ happens always and everywhere. In the Christian archetype all lives of this kind are prefigured.
- Carl Jung
What is being lost is the magic of the word. I am not an image person. Imagery belongs to another civilization: the caveman. Caveman couldn't express himself so he put images on walls.
- Elie Wiesel
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.
- Aristotle
Thus He did at a marriage feast what He would not do in a desert; He worked in the full gaze of men what He had refused to do before Satan. Satan asked Him to turn stones into bread in order that He might become an economic Messias; His mother asked Him to change water into wine that He might become a Savior.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Anything that suffers and dies instead of us is Christ; if they didn't kill birds and fish they would have killed us. The animals die that we may live, they are substitute people, hunters in the fall killing the deer, that is Christ also. And we eat them, out of cans or otherwise; we are eaters of death, dead Christ-flesh resurrecting inside us, granting us life. Canned Spam, canned Jesus, even the plants must be Christ.
- Margaret Atwood
I think that this is what God must look like: an egg. The life of the moon may not be on the surface, but inside.
- Margaret Atwood
Laura was flint in a nest of thistledown. I say flint, not stone: a flint has a heart of fire.
- Margaret Atwood
Canada is built on dead beavers.
- Margaret Atwood
Tiffany's blue box is a slogan without words. It stands for elegance and packaging and quality and "price is no object.
- Seth Godin
We must buy jewelry; it identifies us with our tribe, just as body piercing identifies those of a different tribe.
- Paulo Coelho