Quotes about Symbolism
They knew a good building would praise God better than a bad one, even if the bad one were covered all over with official symbols of praise.
- Thomas Merton
To me, Herod symbolizes the terrible destruction that fearful people can leave in their wake if their fear is unacknowledged, if they have power but can only use it in furtive, pathetic, and futile attempts at self-preservation.
- Kathleen Norris
Does everything always have to mean something else?" I ask before we get started. Who knew that literature was so tangled and complicated? "That is a wonderful lesson, Sang Ly. Remember it." "What was it again?" I ask, not certain to what she was referring. She repeats it for me. "In literature, everything means something.
- Camron Wright
When religion stops talking about animals it will be all downhill.
- Carl Jung
The image of God has a shadow. The supreme meaning is real and casts a shadow. For what can be actual and corporeal and have no shadows?
- Carl Jung
For Isaac's protection he had a blue Turkish evil eye and a painted tin hand of Fatima hanging from the bedpost; a candle was always lit on his chest of drawers, next to Hebrew and Christian Bibles and a jar of holy water that one of the domestic staff had brought from the Shrine of Saint Jude.
- Isabel Allende
Men are idolaters, and want something to look at and kiss and hug, or throw themselves down before; they always did, they always will; and if you don't make it of wood, you must make it of words.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Comics deal with fundamental archetypes. We've been called the myth-makers of the modern age.
- Chris Claremont
The impulse to do and revere art is an ancient need - whether on cave walls, on ones own body, a cathedral or religious rite, we hunger for a way to articulate who we are and what we mean.
- Toni Morrison
A dream that is not understood remains a mere occurrence; understood it becomes a living experience.
- Carl Jung
In order to make the language of dreams understood, we use many parallels from the psychology of primitive races as well as from historical symbolism. This is because dreams originate in the unconscious, which contains the residual potentialities of function of all preceding epochs of evolution.
- Carl Jung
The Eiffel Tower is the Empire State Building after taxes.
- Anonymous