Quotes about Symbolism
The man who speaks with primordial images, speaks with a thousand tongues.
- Carl Jung
But I was thinking; feeling; living; those two lives that the two halves symbolized with the intensity, the muffled intensity, which a butterfly or moth feels when with its sticky tremulous legs and antennae it pushes out of the chrysalis and emerges and sits quivering beside the broken case for a moment; its wings still creased; its eyes dazzled, incapable of flight.
- Virginia Woolf
We have been taking into our mouths the bodies of dead birds.
- Virginia Woolf
And they were married with the sun shining on them through the painted figure of Our Saviour on the window. And they went into the very room where Little Dorrit had slumbered after her party, to sign the Marriage Register.
- Charles Dickens
Present-day Christians misinterpret the cross when they make it a nonoffensive religious symbol, a decorative object in their homes and churches. The cross, therefore, needs the lynching tree to remind us what it means when we say that God is revealed in Jesus at Golgotha, the place of the skull, on the cross where criminals and rebels against the Roman state were executed. The lynching tree is America's cross.
- James H. Cone
I wouldn't really, realistically speaking, know the difference between wearing an S.S. uniform and a U.S. Marine uniform. To me it's all a uniform.
- Christoph Waltz
Now, that doesn't mean that individuals can't have Confederate flags on their property. They have the right to do that. But again, it represents something that is not unifying.
- Martin Luther King III
The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.
- Thomas Paine
Jesus Christ is a lily of the valley, Song of Solomon 2:1, not of the mountains.
- Thomas Watson
He had a tattoo of a bird on his neck done by someone with an ill-formed notion of their appearance.
- Cormac McCarthy
Where you've nothing else construct ceremonies out of the air and breathe upon them.
- Cormac McCarthy
Across the yard, brilliant against the façade of pines beyond, a cardinal shot like a drop of blood.
- Cormac McCarthy