Quotes about Costly
When you forgive, that means you absorb the loss and the debt. You bear it yourself. All forgiveness, then, is costly.
- Timothy Keller
And the king commanded them to quarry large, costly stones to lay the foundation of the temple with dressed stones.
- 1 Kings 5:17
All these buildings were constructed with costly stones, cut to size and trimmed with saws inside and out from the foundation to the eaves, and from the outside to the great courtyard.
- 1 Kings 7:9
The foundations were laid with large, costly stones, some ten cubits long and some eight cubits long.
- 1 Kings 7:10
For the redemption of his soul is costly, and never can payment suffice,
- Psalm 49:8
I do see that there is an argument against suicide: the grief of the worshipers left behind, the awful famine in their hearts, these are too costly terms for the release.
- Mark Twain
Ignorance is more costly to any State than education.
- Booker T. Washington
Learning to play two pairs is worth about as much as a college education, and about as costly.
- Mark Twain
It is not by telling people about ourselves that we demonstrate our Christianity. Words are cheap. It is by costly, self-denying Christian practice that we show the reality of our faith.
- Jonathan Edwards
In the gospel of Jesus, sincere and costly discipleship always accompanies genuine conversion. The gospel of Jesus teaches men that a mere profession of faith alone is no sound evidence of salvation.
- Paul Washer
Faith enables us to obey when obedience is costly or seems unreasonable to the natural mind.
- Jerry Bridges
When the Church stops standing for Jews- for anyone- then we stop being the church. Grace is costly-it took the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, our savior to achieve that grace. It requires just as much from each of us
- Cathy Gohlke