Quotes about Affections
There seems to be a necessity in spirit to manifest itself in material forms; and day and night, river and storm, beast and bird, acid and alkali, preexist in necessary Ideas in the mind of God, and are what they are by virtue of preceding affections, in the world of spirit. A Fact is the end or last issue of spirit. The visible creation is the terminus or the circumference of the invisible world. Material
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed there is no winter and no night all tragedies, all ennuis, vanish,-all duties even.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Now the Holiness of the common Christian is not an occasional Thing, that begins and ends, or is only for such a Time, or Place, or Action, but is the Holiness of that, which is always alive and stirring in us, namely, of our Thoughts, Wills, Desires, and Affections.
- William Law
God should be the object of all our desires, the end of all our actions, the principle of all our affections, and the governing power of our whole souls.
- Jean Baptiste Massillon
Sin has caused our affections to stray, propelling us to worship relationships, achievement, and work-everything but God.
- Timothy Keller
Worship is a way of gladly reflecting back to God the radiance of his worth. This cannot be done by mere acts of duty. It can be done only when spontaneous affections arise in the heart.
- John Piper
Strong affections for God, rooted in and shaped by the truth of Scripture - this is the bone and marrow of Biblical worship.
- John Piper
The great danger of riches is that our affections will be carried away from God to His gifts.
- John Piper