Quotes about Allegiance
The "word" did not "offer itself" in a take-it-or-leave-it fashion, any more than Caesar's heralds would have said, "If you'd like a new kind of imperial experience, you might like to try giving allegiance to the new emperor.
- NT Wright
Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and many others speak of dying for the law, for one's country, one's friends, one's family, even for the emperor.
- NT Wright
obvious Greek term for "loyalty" is one of Paul's favorite words, pistis, regularly translated "faith," but often carrying the overtones of "faithfulness," "reliability," and, yes, "loyalty.
- NT Wright
Called to responsibility and authority within and over the creation, humans have turned their vocation upside down, giving worship and allegiance to forces and powers within creation itself. The name for this is idolatry.
- NT Wright
But pistis could also point to the personal commitment that accompanies any genuine belief, in this case that Jesus was now "Lord," the world's rightful sovereign. Hence the term means "loyalty" or "allegiance." This was what Caesar demanded from his subjects.
- NT Wright
Because of the cross, the world as a whole is free to give allegiance to the God who made it.
- NT Wright
The gospel was—and is—the powerful announcement that the world has a new lord and the summons to give him believing allegiance.
- NT Wright
That to which your heart clings and entrusts itself is, I say, really your God.
- Nancy Pearcey
Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life
- Napoleon Hill
Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
- Oprah Winfrey
To make the choice of career or profession on selfish grounds, without a true sense of calling, is "probably the greatest single sin any young person can commit, for it is the deliberate withdrawal from allegiance to God of the greatest part of time and strength.
- Os Guinness
Our Lord mentions may be a competitive relationship. I may prefer to belong to my mother, or to my wife, or to myself; then says Jesus, you cannot be My disciple. This does not mean I will not be saved, but it does mean that I cannot be "His.
- Oswald Chambers