Quotes about Sin
O loving wisdom of our God when all was sin and shame, a second Adam to the fight and to the rescue came.
- John Henry Newman
Every sin flows from the failure to treasure the glory of God above all things.
- John Piper
What does God hate or punish except self-will? Let self-will cease, and there will be no hell. On what does that fire feed except on self-will?
- Bernard of Clairvaux
A loving God who has no wrath is no God. He is an idol of our own making as much as if we carved Him out of stone.
- RC Sproul
Because of the Cross, God can be both just towards sin and yet mercifully justifying to sinners.
- Timothy Keller
The only cure from sin is by maintaining a vision of God.
- John Ortberg
Sin is what you do when you are not satisfied in God.
- John Piper
The meaning of atonement is not to be found in our penitence evoked by the sight of Calvary, but rather in what God did when in Christ on the cross He took our place and bore our sin.
- John Stott
God doesn't slack his promises because of our sins or hasten them because of our righteousness. He pays no attention to either.
- Martin Luther
The fundamental loss of a desire for God is the heart of original sin.
- RC Sproul
The Bible makes it really clear that if I am not receptive to the grace of God I am headed toward wrath.
- Rick Warren
The absurd is sin without God.
- Albert Camus