Quotes about Sin
The smallest sin is an act of Cosmic Treason against a Holy God.
- Jonathan Edwards
God is not going to negotiate His holiness... in order to accommodate us.
- RC Sproul
Sin is what you do when your heart is not satisfied with God.
- John Piper
Sin is not simply making bad choices or mistakes. Sin is having the desire in our hearts to do the will of the enemy of God.
- RC Sproul
When we sin and mess up our lives, we find that God doesn't go off and leave us- he enters into our trouble and saves us.
- Eugene Peterson
It is in our forgiveness of other people's sins against us that we reveal the fact that we have been truly forgiven by God.
- Alistair Begg
Holiness is not merely a feeling, state of mind, or good intention. It involves practical separation from sin and real separation unto God.
- Paul Washer
Within each of us exists the image of God, however disfigured and corrupted by sin it may presently be. God is able to recover this image through grace as we are conformed to Christ.
- Alister McGrath
What do we find God 'doing about' this business of sin and evil?...God did not abolish the fact of evil; He transformed it. He did not stop the Crucifixion; He rose from the dead.
- Dorothy Sayers
At the moment I sin, I desire the sin more than I desire to please God.
- RC Sproul
God hath promised pardon to him that repenteth, but he hath not promised repentance to him that sinneth.
- Anselm of Canterbury
The self-assured believer is a greater sinner in the eyes of God than the troubled disbeliever.
- Soren Kierkegaard