Quotes about Sin
It is a sin directly against one's neighbour, since one man cannot over-abound in external riches, without another man lacking them.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Sin has gotten men into more trouble than science can get him out of.
- Vance Havner
He [man] knows that when he is not what he ought to be; when he does what he ought not to do; or omits what he ought to do, he is chargeable with sin
- Charles Hodge
The man who remains in his sin will be damned just as surely as the sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west.
- AW Tozer
The law shows the distance that exists between God and man; the Gospel bridges that awful chasm and brings the sinner across it.
- Charles Spurgeon
There are two sins of men that are bred in the bone and that continually come out in the flesh. One is self-dependence and the other is self-exultation.
- Charles Spurgeon
I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach the Law.
- Charles Spurgeon
The moral man is as guilty as the rest. His morality cannot save him.
- DL Moody
The conversion of Paul was no conversion at all; it was Paul who converted the religion that has raised one man above sin and death.
- George Bernard Shaw
Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil.
- GK Chesterton
A man like me cannot but believe that this earthquake is a divine chastisement sent by God for our sins.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Snakes and monkeys are subjected to the demon more than other animals. Satan lives in them and possesses them. He uses them to deceive men and to injure them.
- Martin Luther