Quotes about Sin
Word-centered people who enter counseling will be more likely follow the guidance set out in Scripture. Because they know more of the depth of their sin, they are more willing to allow other church members to help them stay on that right path.
- James MacDonald
Watch out for the people who say that all is good between them and God but have no interest in being reconciled with the people whom their sin has injured.
- James MacDonald
Grace easily turns to hyper-grace in a world that has lost its view of God's throne room and a biblical theology of sin.
- James MacDonald
Most counseling cases today involve good desires that have become overgrown. In these cases most relevant passages of Scripture may not be those that rebut particular manifestations of sin, but those that remind us to love God with all our hearts.
- James MacDonald
The core of humanity's sin problem is not a horizontal behavior to be corrected but a Vertical relationship to be restored.
- James MacDonald
Without a complete view of sin, people can burn out in their pursuit of pleasure.
- James MacDonald
Suffering related to circumstances beyond my control, suffering related to consequences of my besetting sin, and suffering caused by others who refused to see their own sin. In all these instances, the Lord has been at work, refining my focus upon personal holiness, amplifying my ministry through very humbling experiences, and reminding me repeatedly to extend grace not just to the gracious but to those who lack a grace I took too long to come to myself.
- James MacDonald
Transcendence is a healthy dose of insignificance to a race whose root sin is pride. Transcendence cuts us all down to our proper proportion before an awesome God. That you and I are not significant is a wonderful, freeing discovery, and that's what church is for.
- James MacDonald
Human sin is stubborn, but not as stubborn as the grace of God and not half as persistent, not half so ready to suffer to win its way
- James MacDonald
A real encounter with the living God changes everything. First, it magnifies the Lord, and then it puts me and my ego and my sin and my burdens all in their rightful place.
- James MacDonald
God wants sin out of your life because it's the only thing that keeps you from experiencing the torrential downpour of blessing He wants to rain upon you.
- James MacDonald
So rather than repent of sin and turn for mercy to a God who is altogether sovereign, holy, knowing, and unchangeable, men and women suppress what knowledge they have and refuse to seek out that additional knowledge that could be the salvation of their souls.
- James Montgomery Boice