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Quotes about Sin

The real response to the problem of human sin must always be that I cannot do anything to erase it.
- James Garlow
The most fundamental teaching of historic Christianity is the fact that Christ's death cancels out the result of sin in the hearts and lives of those who by faith embrace the Savior.
- James Garlow
Sin does not remain a contented servant; it seeks to seize and master its participants.
- James MacDonald
The body of Christ is about doing life together, and by doing life together sin is revealed.
- James MacDonald
Too often, we think of sin as self-contained, point-in-time choices with no interconnection or momentum. But sin refuses to remain contained in the moment it is conceived.
- James MacDonald
Our view of human problems determines who is qualified to speak to them. If sin is the primary human problem, then those with the theological and practical expertise in dealing with sin — in its varied and complex forms — should lead the way in the field of people-helping. Unless we have an accurate and robust conception of sin, the church will concede much of its work to outside professional and will be ill-equipped to cooperate with them when needed.
- James MacDonald
Repentance is shockingly beautiful when we see it not as "I sinned again, I need to repent," but as "I sinned against my God again, but He is calling me back so He can lavish me with His love and forgiveness.
- James MacDonald
The biblical counselor must always remember that the ROOT problem is deeper than skin; it is sin. The ultimate cure is not culture, but Christ.
- James MacDonald
Like David we have a number of self-destructive options we use to avoid repenting and admitting sin. I'll list them and let you come up with personal examples for each: deny, avoid, blame shift, rationalize, and give excuses. If you can't think of how you've used these, you may be stuck in denial!
- James MacDonald
All God's righteous hatred of all that sin from all of human history was poured out upon Christ as He hung there on that cross.
- James MacDonald
The purpose of continuous repentance in the life of a quality man is not a return to the crisis of salvation but part of what the Bible calls sanctification. Repentance is the choice to embrace the Holy Spirit's daily work of convicting us about ongoing sin. "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
- James MacDonald
Repentance. Not a onetime event for the forgiveness of sin and gift of eternal life but a lifetime pattern of humility before a holy God.
- James MacDonald