Quotes about Sin
And if someone resists the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin and refuses to accept Jesus' sacrifice as God's righteousness, how can he or she be forgiven? Without agreeing with the Holy Spirit regarding sin and Jesus' offering for sin, forgiveness can never be granted. Therefore it is the unforgivable sin.
- Josh McDowell
If we reject the convicting agent of the Holy Spirit and keep on deliberately sinning we simply can't obtain forgiveness.
- Josh McDowell
God is perfectly holy and without sin. And to be in relationship with sin would be in violation of his nature.
- Josh McDowell
Romans 6 - Our flesh is the instrument that Satan works through. When we say no to the flesh, we say no to the devil.
- Joyce Meyer
I always asked for forgiveness for my sins right away but I never accepted it until I felt right that I had suffered enough to pay for it. God revealed to me what I was doing how much unnecessary pain I was causing myself. He even showed me that what I was doing was an insult to Jesus that in essence I was saying Lord the sacrifice of Your life and blood was good but not good enough. I must add my work of feeling guilty before I can be forgiven.
- Joyce Meyer
T]he Christian is unable to sin and not care ... They may sin, but they cannot do so comfortably and continually. They are very much aware of their wrong actions, and they are very miserable.
- Joyce Meyer
Justified means just as if you've never sinned.
- Joyce Meyer
The mind is often an area where people play around with sin.
- Joyce Meyer
that keeps us from entering into and enjoying the life that God has freely bestowed upon us is our own sin consciousness
- Joyce Meyer
The Bible is a record of sin, deceit, immorality of every kind, disobedience, hypocrisy and God's amazing grace and love. The heroes we admire were people just like us. They failed miserably at times, they sinned regularly, and yet they found love, acceptance, forgiveness and mercy to be the free gifts of God. His love drew them into intimate relationship with Him, empowered them to do great things, and taught them to enjoy the life that He has provided.
- Joyce Meyer
9By this the love of God was displayed in us, in that God has sent His [One and] only begotten Son [the One who is truly unique, the only One of His kind] into the world so that we might live through Him. 10In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation [that is, the atoning sacrifice, and the satisfying offering] for our sins [fulfilling God's requirement for justice against sin and placating His wrath].
- Joyce Meyer
Jesus did not die for us so we could have a religion. He died so we could have our sins forgiven.
- Joyce Meyer