Quotes about Sin
Sin is the biggest enemy of happiness because it results in a broken relationship with God. Forgiveness is its greatest friend, because it reunites us with the happy God.
- Randy Alcorn
Populating hell one image-bearer at a time
- Randy Alcorn
Imagination is a God-given gift; but if it is fed dirt by the eye, it will be dirty. All sin, not least sexual sin, begins with the imagination. Therefore what feeds the imagination is of maximum importance in the pursuit of kingdom righteousness." —D. A. Carson
- Randy Alcorn
Being happy in God and living righteously tastes far better for far longer than sin does. When my hunger and thirst for joy is satisfied by Christ, sin becomes unattractive. I say no to immorality not because I hate pleasure but because I want the enduring pleasure found in Christ.
- Randy Alcorn
Yes, Satan rebelled. Yes, Adam and Eve freely chose sin, and with it death and suffering. And yes, the all-powerful, happy God could have intervened to prevent those choices. If that intervention would have brought him more glory and us more good, no doubt he would have done it. But God, in his wisdom, determined that not even rebellion and sin could thwart his plan to further his happiness and that of his people.
- Randy Alcorn
Albert Wolters points out that most of Christ's miracles "are miracles of restoration—restoration to health, restoration to life, restoration to freedom from demonic possession. Jesus' miracles provide us with a sample of the meaning of redemption: a freeing of creation from the shackles of sin and evil and a reinstatement of creaturely living as intended by God.
- Randy Alcorn
The lustful man walks with a noose around his neck.
- Randy Alcorn
we inherited from our Eden-dwelling ancestors a sense of their pre-Fall happiness. Our hearts refuse to settle for sin, suffering, boredom, and purposelessness—we long for something better. Were we merely the product of natural selection and survival of the fittest, we'd have no grounds for believing any ancient happiness existed. But we are all nostalgic for an Eden we've only seen fleeting hints of. Unfortunately
- Randy Alcorn
Tomorrow's character is made out of today's thoughts. Temptation may come suddenly, but sin doesn't.
- Randy Alcorn
The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases all other fears before it." —Charles Spurgeon "We are more concerned about looking stupid (fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord)." —Edward T. Welch
- Randy Alcorn
The beginning of the way to heaven, is to feel that we are on the way to hell." —J. C. Ryle
- Randy Alcorn
When our sin reached its full horror, God's love was displayed in all its glory. If you doubt God's love for you, look at the cross.
- Randy Alcorn