Quotes about Sin
It is humbling, but it is important to remember that it is only ever the sin inside us that hooks us to the sin outside of us. So what we need most is not a change of location or relationship, but a fundamental rescue of heart, and that is exactly what God's grace in the person of the Holy Spirit provides for us.
- Paul David Tripp
It's natural to want mercy for yourself but justice for others. It's natural to be very aware of the sin others, yet blind to your own. If we are ever going to be people of mercy, we need bountiful mercy ourselves, because what stands in the way of our being a community of mercy is us.
- Paul David Tripp
Sin is not just a matter of bad behavior. It is a condition of the heart. That's why you cannot free yourself from it.
- Paul David Tripp
And Scripture is clear—this is not paradise, and it won't be. Rather, this moment is a time of preparation for the paradise that is to come, where everything that sin has broken will be fully restored to what God originally intended it to be.
- Paul David Tripp
When I gossip, I confess the sin of another person to someone who is not involved. Gossip doesn't restrain sin; it encourages it. It doesn't build someone's character; it destroys his reputation.
- Paul David Tripp
God's law is meant to address and expose the heart because sin is always a matter of the heart before it is an action of the body.
- Paul David Tripp
Face the fact today that you'll never outgrow your need for grace, no matter how much you learn and how much you mature, until you are on the other side and your struggle is over because sin is no more (see Phil. 3:12—16). The way to begin to celebrate the grace that God so freely gives you every day is by admitting how much you need it.
- Paul David Tripp
The person next to you doesn't need the gospel more than you do; he just needs it differently than you do. All people sin and fall short.
- Paul David Tripp
sin kidnapped our worship, and grace works to restore it to its rightful owner—God. It is only when God is in his rightful place in our hearts that everything else is in its appropriate place in our lives, and only powerful grace can accomplish this.
- Paul David Tripp
Jesus calls us to humbly admit that the biggest danger to each of us is not the sin that lurks outside us, but the iniquity that still resides in our hearts.
- Paul David Tripp
The scary deception of sin is that, at the point of sinning, sin doesn't look all that sinful.
- Paul David Tripp
If you are God's child, you're either giving in to sin or giving way to the operation of rescuing grace, but your heart's never neutral.
- Paul David Tripp