Quotes about Corruption
If you ever injected truth into politics you would have no politics.
- Will Rogers
Power gradually extirpates from the mind every humane and gentle virtue.
- Edmund Burke
Politicians are just a bunch of local bandits, sent by their local voters to raid the public treasury.
- Will Rogers
I never saw the man yet that came out of politics as clean as he went into 'em.
- Ellen Glasgow
The senator...was a smart man who had made his way in life with a single-mindedness oblivious to any of those stumbling blocks known as conscience, sworn oaths, justice, duty...
- Victor Hugo
There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.
- William Henry Harrison
Injustice and corruption will never be transformed by keeping them hidden, but only by bringing them out into the light and confronting them with the power of love.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities.
- Frank Herbert
When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms.
- Thomas Paine
The descent to hell is easy and those who begin by worshipping power, soon worship evil.
- CS Lewis
Wherever there is interest and power to do wrong, wrong will generally be done.
- James Madison
With the tools of democracy, democracy was murdered and lawlessness made "legal." Raw power ruled, and its only real goal was to destroy all other powers besides itself.
- Eric Metaxas