Quotes about Parenting
It is important for all parents to examine the system of belief that shapes their moment-by-moment interactions with their children.
- Paul David Tripp
He knows that parents who admit that they are inadequate and run to God make the best parents.
- Paul David Tripp
God knew that our calling would be so huge and our weakness so deep that the only thing that would help us was himself. So in an act of incredible grace, he has unbuttoned us and gotten inside of us. Now think about this as a parent. This God who has the ability to do things that are way beyond your ability to conceive, who has perfect wisdom and unlimited strength, right now lives inside of you.
- Paul David Tripp
God didn't give you your children to build your reputation but to publicly proclaim his.
- Paul David Tripp
Good parenting lives at the intersection of a humble admission of personal powerlessness and a confident rest in the power and grace of God.
- Paul David Tripp
Parenting is about being God's ambassadors in the lives of our children.
- Paul David Tripp
Parenting is about being used of God to bring your children to that wholesome and heart-changing place of personal hopelessness. This is not a process of condemnation, but of patient and loving rescue.
- Paul David Tripp
You could say that the advice here is to connect everything you require of your children in behavior and belief to the story of redemption.
- Paul David Tripp
This means that every moment of discipline and correction must be accompanied with instruction.
- Paul David Tripp
parenting is either a thing of the highest treasure to you, and that is demonstrated in your choices, words, and actions every day, or it's not.
- Paul David Tripp
And they understand that if their children grow and mature in life and godliness, they become not so much their trophies, but trophies of the Savior that they have sought to serve. For them, it's God who does the work and God who gets the glory; they are just gratified that they were able to be the tools that God used.
- Paul David Tripp
so much of what drives our responses to our kids is an unannounced set of laws that are more about what we want for ourselves and our lives than what God wants for and from our children. In our allegiance to our law, we end up breaking God's law in our interactions with our children. In this way we are just like our children: people who need to be rescued from ourselves. You
- Paul David Tripp