Quotes about Parenting
The gentleness of a mother is harsh compared with the gentleness of God.
- Oswald Chambers
in every moment when you are parenting, you are being parented. In every moment when you are called to give grace, you are being given grace. In every moment when you are rescuing and protecting your children, you are being rescued and protected. In every moment when you feel alone, you are anything but alone because he goes wherever you go.
- Paul David Tripp
God hasn't just sent you to do his work in the lives of your children; he will use the lives of your children to advance his work in you.
- Paul David Tripp
The great battle of parenting is not the battle of behavior; it's the battle for what kind of awe will rule children's hearts.
- Paul David Tripp
When your child wonders about what is right and what is wrong, don't just threaten him with the law of God; woo him with the sweet music of the grace of God. When she is struggling with what
- Paul David Tripp
When awe of God has captured your heart, ministry will fill your schedule. You won't need the church to schedule ministry for you; you will approach work, marriage, parenting, extended family, friendships, and community with a ministry mentality.
- Paul David Tripp
Parents, if your eyes ever see or your ears ever hear the sin and weakness of your children, it's never an accident, it's never a hassle, it's never an interruption; it's always grace. God loves your children and because he does, he has placed them in a family of faith so that you can be his tool of convicting, forgiving, and transforming grace.
- Paul David Tripp
As a parent you are never, ever dealing just with the words and actions of your children. You are always also dealing with the thing that controls their words and behavior: the heart.
- Paul David Tripp
Your job is be God's tool for the purpose of forming the image of God's Son in your children.
- Paul David Tripp
Parenting is not first about what we want for our children or from our children, but about what god in grace has planned to do through us in our children. to lose sight of this is to end up with a relationship with our children that at the foundational level is neither Christian nor true parenting because it has become more about our will and our way than about the will and way of our Sovereign Savior King.
- Paul David Tripp
If God's plan really is to make his invisible grace visible by sending parents of grace to give grace to children who desperately need grace, then I am called not just to preach that grace but to live and model it for my children every day.
- Paul David Tripp
successful parenting is not about achieving goals (that you have no power to produce) but about being a usable and faithful tool in the hands of the One who alone is able to produce good things in your children.
- Paul David Tripp