Quotes about Convict
Now, here's a little tip. If you try to play God instead of playing the man, it won't work out so well. When you try to do God's job for Him, it backfires. It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict; it's your job to love. We
- Mark Batterson
to execute judgment on everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of every ungodly act of wickedness and every harsh word spoken against Him by ungodly sinners.”
- Jude 1:15
Scripture must be used to preach the gospel, encourage the believer, convict the sinner, and correct error that may arise. However, it is wrong for ministers and denominations to get in a "sword fight," especially in public, as it only causes the sinners to mock and become more hardened as they watch two Christians duke it out to see who can knock the other one down "for the glory of God.
- Perry Stone
Liberation is not deliverance. A convict may leave prison behind but not his sentence.
- Victor Hugo
I'm enormously proud of being the ancestor of a convict. That's mad, isn't it, but I really am.
- Anne Reid