Quotes about Blood
But Sasha who after all had no English blood in her but was from Russia where the sunsets are longer, the dawns less sudden, and sentences often left unfinished from doubt as to how best to end them.
- Virginia Woolf
Although believers by nature, are far from God, and children of wrath, even as others, yet it is amazing to think how nigh they are brought to him again by the blood of Jesus Christ.
- George Whitefield
I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace.
- Thomas Becket
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
- Fanny Crosby
And as the circumcised in the flesh, and not in the heart, have no part in God's good promises; even so they that be baptized in the flesh, and not in heart, have no part in Christ's blood.
- William Tyndale
The atonement in Jesus Christ's blood is perfect; there isn't anything that can be added to it. It is spotless, impeccable, flawless. It is perfect as God is perfect.
- AW Tozer
God passionately desires and ardently yearns for our salvation... Nothing is greater than this: that the blood of God was poured out for us.
- Pope John Paul II
Christ did not die to make his Father loving, but because his Father is loving: the atoning blood is the outflow of the very heart of God toward us.
- Charles Spurgeon