Quotes about Failure
God's grace does not come to people who morally outperform others, but to those who admit their failure to perform and who acknowledge their need for a Savior.
- Timothy Keller
God has committed himself, ever since creation, to working through his creatures--in particular, through his image-bearing human beings--but they have all let Him down.
- NT Wright
To accept grace is to admit failure, a step we are hesitant to take. We opt to impress God with how good we are rather than confessing how great he is.
- Max Lucado
The pursuit of holiness must be anchored in the grace of God; otherwise it is doomed to failure.
- Jerry Bridges
If I'm trusting myself, I will stare at all the possible ways I could fail. If I'm trusting God, I will stare at all the possible ways He'll use this whether I fail or succeed.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Every sin flows from the failure to treasure the glory of God above all things.
- John Piper
I sat down in the sand, breathless with shame and failure. God, I thought, some defender of the weak. Some freedom fighter: Joan of Arc in sunscreen.
- Anne Lamott
To fail to pray, then, is not to merely break some religious rule- it is a failure to treat God as God.
- Timothy Keller
The God of many men is little more than their court of appeal against the damnatory judgment passed on their failures by the opinion of the world.
- William James
The healthiest and holiest people are the people who laugh at themselves the most. Failure helps us take God more seriously and ourselves less seriously.
- Mark Batterson
God uses people who fail - Cause there aren't any other kind around.
- John Maxwell
Being human means you will make mistakes. And you will make mistakes, because failure is God's way of moving you in another direction.
- Oprah Winfrey