Quotes about Failure
No man ever achieved worth-while success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure.
- Napoleon Hill
If you avoid failure, you also avoid success.
- Robert Kiyosaki
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
- Theodore Roosevelt
The awareness of the ambiguity of one's highest achievements, as well as one's deepest failures is a definite symptom of maturity.
- Paul Tillich
Your greatest failure will precede your greatest success.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Don't let your success of today lay you into complacency for tomorrow. For that is the worst form of failure.
- Og Mandino
success is 99% failure
- Henry Ford
It is better to fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than to succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail.
- Peter Marshall
Be prepared to ride the cycles and trends of life; success is never permanent, and failure is never final.
- Brian Tracy
We are more heavily invested in the theories of failure than we are in the theories of success.
- Albert Bandura
I have tried 99 times and have failed, but on the 100th time came success.
- Albert Einstein
In times of defeat, we never know how close we are to victory. In every event of failure, God has planted a seed of success.
- Charles Stanley