Quotes about Failure
The reality of human behavior is that most people avoid those activities in which they perceive themselves to be failures.
- Donald Whitney
Success is Never Ending, Failure Is Never Final.
- Robert Schuller
Relationship with Jesus must be kept pure and simple. Introducing you to any facet of prayer without making this clear would set you up for frustration and eventual failure. Our motivation for prayer must be relationship—communing with God.
- Dutch Sheets
I failed, many times in my life. One failure that I always remember was when my second book was rejected by 36 publishers. Many years later, I watched HuffPost come alive
- Arianna Huffington
Life is a glorious opportunity, if it is used to condition us for eternity. If we fail in this, though we succeed in everything else, our life will have been a failure.
- Billy Graham
It's always easy to blame others. You can spend your entire life blaming the world, but your successes or failures are entirely your own responsibility.
- Paulo Coelho
Would anyone choose Hell over Heaven? YES! Why? Pride. They don't want to go in the only way you can go in, on your knees. They don't want to admit they are a failure, that their life is a mess.
- Alistair Begg
Those who never take risks can only see other people's failures.
- Paulo Coelho
Failure is a reality; we all fail at times, and it's painful when we do. But it's better to fail while striving for something wonderful, challenging, adventurous, and uncertain than to say, " I don't want to try because I may not succeed completely.
- Jimmy Carter
The mere thought of divorce terrified me. To me, divorce symbolized failure.
- Annette Funicello
Human misery must somewhere have a stop: there is no wind that always blows a storm; great good fortune comes to failure in the end.
- Euripides
You probably think you know...The failure and the success both believe in their hearts that they have accurately balanced points of view, the success because he's succeeded, and the failure because he's failed. The successful man tells his son to profit by his father's good fortune, and the failure tells his son to profit by his father's mistakes.
- F Scott Fitzgerald