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Quotes about Romans

Timothy, my fellow worker, sends you greetings, as do Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater, my fellow countrymen.
- Romans 16:21
I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord.
- Romans 16:22
The universal sin Saint Paul pinpoints in Romans 1:18 is to suppress the truth.
- Peter Kreeft
And so he explained that you must be justified by Him, by trusting in what He accomplished when He suffered by hanging on the tree. (But to him that does not work, but believes in him that justifies the ungodly, the faith is counted as righteousness. — Rom. 4:5)
- John Bunyan
The words of the text explained: to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Rom. 8:6.
- John Owen
It was the association of Celtic women with barbarism that persuaded the Senate to decree in AD 40 that prostitutes should make their hair blonde — the colour the Romans associated with the Celts. It was the eroticism, how-ever, that persuaded ladies at the highest level of Roman society to put on blonde wigs.
- Terry Jones
Romans contains some seventy-four references to the Old Testament (mostly from Psalms and Isaiah). "It is written" occurs nineteen times in this book, more than half of all the times Paul uses the phrase.
- Norman Geisler
None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one. ROMANS 3:10—12
- James Montgomery Boice
Human beings are always tempted to love and serve things in the creation rather than the Creator. So often, we think of false worship and idolatry only in terms of things that are obviously sinful. While this can be the case, Romans 1:25 indicates that idolatry is often the result of taking good things in creation and making them ultimate things.
- Timothy Lane
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow-man has fulfilled the law."
- Romans 13: 8
altered Asia, jaundiced the Jews, riled the Romans, taught the teachers, and pitied prison jailors. This man Paul, and another preacher called Silas, dynamited the prison walls—with prayer—and cost the taxpayers a load in order
- Leonard Ravenhill
Which was why the Sadducees in particular were so infuriated with this sect, Ezra realized. The Sadducees were convinced the afterlife did not exist at all. Man lived, man died. The candle was snuffed out. Finished. A very Greek philosophy, it was one that found favor only with the highly educated, the rich, the well traveled. The average Judean despised the Sadducees for this and for how they had allied themselves with the Romans.
- Janette Oke