Quotes about Strength
Surely hope of overcoming him is false. Is not the sight of him overwhelming?
- Job 41:9
No one is so fierce as to rouse Leviathan. Then who is able to stand against Me?
- Job 41:10
Who can strip off his outer coat? Who can approach him with a bridle?
- Job 41:13
Who can open his jaws, ringed by his fearsome teeth?
- Job 41:14
His rows of scales are his pride, tightly sealed together.
- Job 41:15
His snorting flashes with light, and his eyes are like the rays of dawn.
- Job 41:18
Firebrands stream from his mouth; fiery sparks shoot forth!
- Job 41:19
Smoke billows from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds.
- Job 41:20
His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames pour from his mouth.
- Job 41:21
Strength resides in his neck, and dismay leaps before him.
- Job 41:22
The folds of his flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable.
- Job 41:23
His chest is as hard as a rock, as hard as a lower millstone!
- Job 41:24