Quotes about Strength
His confidence is fragile; his security is in a spider’s web.
- Job 8:14
He leans on his web, but it gives way; he holds fast, but it does not endure.
- Job 8:15
His roots wrap around the rock heap; he looks for a home among the stones.
- Job 8:17
God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has resisted Him and prospered?
- Job 9:4
He moves mountains without their knowledge and overturns them in His anger.
- Job 9:5
He shakes the earth from its place, so that its foundations tremble.
- Job 9:6
God does not restrain His anger; the helpers of Rahab cower beneath Him.
- Job 9:13
If it is a matter of strength, He is indeed mighty! If it is a matter of justice, who can summon Him?
- Job 9:19
then indeed you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and unafraid.
- Job 11:15
Wisdom and strength belong to God; counsel and understanding are His.
- Job 12:13
He pours out contempt on nobles and disarms the mighty.
- Job 12:21
Would You frighten a windblown leaf? Would You chase after dry chaff?
- Job 13:25