Quotes about Strength
Say something that will help you, not something that will hinder you. Say, "I can do this with God's help.
- Joyce Meyer
Pray your way through the day.
- Joyce Meyer
I will never give up! God is on my side, He loves me, and He is helping me!
- Joyce Meyer
Father, the Bible says that You don't condemn me. You sent Jesus to die for me. I'll be fine—today will be a great day. You help me choose right thoughts today.
- Joyce Meyer
Trust in Him If you are going through a difficult time right now, don't be discouraged and run away. Trust God to be with you, and He will give you the grace and the wisdom to get through it.
- Joyce Meyer
Power Thought: God uses my weaknesses to show His strength.
- Joyce Meyer
Let circumstances do what they will—and as far as you're concerned, be determined to remain stable.
- Joyce Meyer
Eagles are not intimidated by the heights and forceful winds that other birds may fear. Instead, they take advantage of the gales, flying into the wind, setting their wings so the gusts only lift them higher. Nor do eagles waste time battling with other birds that are pests to them. When attacked, they simply mount up higher and higher until they reach an altitude in which their enemies cannot survive.
- Joyce Meyer
We are to keep our eyes on Jesus and His ability, not on ourselves and our disabilities.
- Joyce Meyer
need of encouragement, look to God first. He will never tell you that you're not going to make it.
- Joyce Meyer
God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7
- Joyce Meyer
Being positive does not mean we deny the existence of difficulty; it means we believe God is greater than our difficulties. Believing in God can cause us to win any battle we face. When
- Joyce Meyer